Welcome to the
Global Foundation
for Community Safety Volunteering
Evidencing Volunteering
Growing evidence-based approaches to volunteering in policing and across community safety.
The Foundation works internationally to innovate, evidence and champion volunteering across policing, crime prevention , criminal justice and community safety.
Assembling the evidence globally to enable individuals and communities to participate and volunteer effectively. The Foundation supports internationally the development of evidence-based policy and practice and innovation. Empowering individuals to bring their skills, experience, passions and commitment to making a real difference for the safety of all in their communities.
Partnering with ambitious organisations and governments committed to the transformational potential of volunteering across these sectors.
Global Observatory
Bringing our knowledge of volunteering around the world together in one place.
The Global Observatory brings together in one place online information internationally across countries about volunteering in policing, crime prevention, criminal justice and community safety.
Bringing together the evidence-base for the impact of volunteering. Sharing the learning and insight from research and evaluations. Building case studies of innovative and interesting models of volunteering across the globe. Developing stronger understandings of the return on investment from volunteer programs.
Guidance and toolkits
Sharing best practice guidance and toolkits. Whether your agency is looking to set up a new volunteer program, or is looking for insight on how to build and sustain existing programs.
Global Index
The Global Index will provide an international comparative benchmarking of volunteer programs.